Study: New Yorkers Are Roughly 1 Paycheck Away From Homelessness

New York City is famous the world over for its glitz and glamour, featured in all sorts of popular entertainment from movies to television shows. Yet not all that glitters is gold. Life in paradise is much harder than one may think. In fact, many New Yorkers are one paycheck away from homelessness, forced into a monthly catch-22--a cycle causing of perpetual anxiety.

For Landlords With Subsidized Units in NYC — Hindsight is 80/20

As a real estate developer and a volunteer EMT, I see things other developers don’t get to see: that the homeless people dying in the streets aren’t invisible. To me, the homeless aren’t a “problem”, they’re a product of a bigger issue, one that NYC hasn’t begun to figure out how to solve. Because New [...]

By | November 13th, 2016|Daniel Neiditch, Homelessness, National, New York City, Philanthropy|

Spotlight on Coalition for the Homeless

As the oldest non-for-profit advocacy and direct service organization focused on homelessness in the United States, Coalition for the Homeless, has taken part in landmark litigation to protect the rights of homeless people, including the right to shelter and the right to vote. Since 1981 the Coalition for Homeless has worked to help those that [...]

Spotlight on Learning Leaders

Learning Leaders, formally the New York City School Volunteer Program, is a nonprofit organization based in New York City that is dedicated to engaging families and communities to support student success. Founded in 1956, the organization runs many family and community engagement programs in order to help New York City’s public school students. Their mission [...]

Understanding Homelessness

Many people think of homeless people as dirty. They imagine them walking around with shopping carts filled to the brim with things that they have collected from trash cans. While, yes, there are some homeless people who fit this description, this is a generalization that doesn’t fit every homeless person. Every person who is currently [...]

By | February 10th, 2016|Daniel Neiditch, Daniel's Charity Blog, Homelessness, Philanthropy|

Spotlight on Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC

Since 1904 Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City has helped over 100,000 needy children. It is one of the oldest and largest youth mentoring organizations in the United States. There are many different programs within the organization, the biggest one being the Traditional Mentoring Program, where kids aged 7-17 are paired up with [...]