About Dan Neiditch

Dan Neiditch is the president of River 2 River Realty, Inc., a real estate business that offers diverse real estate services for customers in New York and beyond. Under Dan Neiditch’s stewardship, his family’s business has grown into a multibillion dollar real estate empire — acquiring $1 billion in real estate holdings to date.

How Bad is Homelessness in America, Really?

The GDP of America is an astronomical $18 trillion. To put it in perspective, if California seceded from the United States, it would have the eighth largest GDP of all the countries in the world (just beating out Italy). When you start to consider just how much money exists in America, it makes the fact [...]

The Cost of ‘Sheltering’ The Homeless May Be Too High

A question I hear a lot when I’m talking about homelessness in New York, is: “why don’t the homeless just stay in shelters?” It is more complex than many New Yorkers imagine–both the problems and the purported solutions. For me, the more important question is: ‘why shelters at all?’ As someone who has spent a [...]

By | February 28th, 2017|Daniel Neiditch, Homelessness, New York City|

6 Ways to Pay it Forward in Your New York Community

This post was originally featured on HuffingtonPost.com There’s no place on Earth quite like New York City. Its energy and opportunity attract millions of people who want to be part of the Big Apple, and to those millions, the city gives so much. Actors, artists, businessmen, and professionals all benefit from everything New York has [...]

By | January 25th, 2017|New York City, Philanthropy|

Study: New Yorkers Are Roughly 1 Paycheck Away From Homelessness

New York City is famous the world over for its glitz and glamour, featured in all sorts of popular entertainment from movies to television shows. Yet not all that glitters is gold. Life in paradise is much harder than one may think. In fact, many New Yorkers are one paycheck away from homelessness, forced into a monthly catch-22--a cycle causing of perpetual anxiety.

I Was Homeless for 3 Nights in NYC – This is What I Learned

This post was originally featured on HuffingtonPost.com Paramedics and EMTs have a lot of exposure to people living on the streets. Some are hardened by these experiences, but I don’t know a single EMT who hasn’t been forever changed. As a volunteer EMT myself, I have seen far too many homeless people die from the [...]

By | December 1st, 2016|Daniel's Charity Blog, Homelessness|

For Landlords With Subsidized Units in NYC — Hindsight is 80/20

As a real estate developer and a volunteer EMT, I see things other developers don’t get to see: that the homeless people dying in the streets aren’t invisible. To me, the homeless aren’t a “problem”, they’re a product of a bigger issue, one that NYC hasn’t begun to figure out how to solve. Because New [...]

By | November 13th, 2016|Daniel Neiditch, Homelessness, National, New York City, Philanthropy|

Preparing Homeless Children to Return to School

NYC Public School kids return to their classrooms on September 8. Generally, back to school time is filled with both sadness of summer coming to an end, and excitement regarding the start of a new chapter and connecting with friends. Yet for some of New York’s most vulnerable groups, those living with extreme poverty, returning [...]

Spotlight on TEAK Fellowship

Half of New York City’s residents live in near poverty, according to a study from 2014. A large percentage of those who find it difficult to get by, are people of color--Asian, African American and Latino groups, whose socioeconomic status is a result of generational gaps in wealth, and unlikely to change without assistance. For [...]

By | September 6th, 2016|Charity Work, Children, New York City, Philanthropy|

How One NYC Charity Is Helping Homeless Children Heal

As recent as 2013, homelessness among children in the United States reached 2.5 million, making it the largest amount in history and a remarkable 8 percent increase over the previous year. What’s more is that this issue affects one 1 in 30 children, in every city, county and state in the country, and the number [...]

Spotlight on the New York Foundling

The New York Foundling is an organization that is dedicated to helping underserved children and families, as well as adults with developmental disabilities. The Sisters of Charity founded this organization in 1869 as a home for abandoned children. This organization works hard to give resources to a variety of people in need. The people they [...]

By | July 7th, 2016|Charity Work, Children, Daniel's Charity Blog, Philanthropy|